Protecting the Beyul

This three-year project’s purpose was to spread the benefits of tourism more equitably among the local people in the Everest region of Nepal, while preserving indigenous culture and environment through education and awareness-building. The goals of the Building Livelihoods initiative included:
A plan to teach Sherpa language and script to 1,000 school children from Khumbu and Pharak
Reaching more than 20,000 tourists visiting Khumbu through cultural information in the interpretive displays, brochures and films
Making home-stays and cultural/ecological trekking available to more than 1,500 people in the target communities of Thame, Phortse, and Gyiphide
Training hundreds of households in off-the-trekking-route communities within the Thame Valley in Sagarmatha
National Park in tourism/business enhancing practices. Extending training to residents of the Tate, Sengma,
Lhawo and Gumela villages in the Pharak Buffer as well
Recruiting non-local individuals, such as middle class Nepali people, to work and visit in the Park
In 2009, at the completion of the project, TMI could count the following achievements as part of the success of the program:
A Sherpa language dictionary completed
Several Sherpa folksongs documented
An interpretive exhibit at Sagarmatha National Park Visitors Center installed
A ritual arts exhibit at Kyarok Monastery installed
A visitor information center at Namche Monastery created
A Nepali-language version of the Beyul documentary film produced
Sherpa language educational resource materials created
Teachers trained in the Sherpa language
The Kathmandu International Film Festival (KIMFF) founded
A seven-day village tourism operators training provided
An interactive program on village tourism created
The Khumbu Mountain Center constructed
An income generation project developed at Thame Monastery
A Yak handicraft development training held, along with a Yak handicraft production workshop